Easy Passion Fruit Juice

Brazilian Kitchen Abroad

Passion Fruit Juice is so easy to make at home! All you need is passion fruit puree, which is also known as pulp, water, and your sweetener of choice to make this refreshing tropical drink.

~ Brazilian Kitchen Abroad

This passion fruit juice recipe is just a starting point for you—the perfect combination of water, fruit and sweetener will depend on how tart and strong your fruit is, how much ice you tend to add to your drinks and how strong and tart you like your juice to be. Have fun experimenting!

1. In a cup, combine the passion fruit puree with the water. (The ratio is about 1 part puree to 3-4 parts water. This will depend on how tart and strong your fruit is, how much ice you tend to add to your drinks and how strong and tart you like your juice to be.)


2. Sweeten to taste. I recommend using simple syrup because it will more easily dissolve and combine with the liquids.




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